Custom workflow activity to send an email and specify the sendor address.

Just a quick post here to post the code used to add the custom workflow activity that will enable you specify the sendor address in a workflow email. In SharePoint v3.0, I used the spactivities on codeplex but this doesn’t work for SharePoint Foundation or 2010. I followed a number of posts to get this code working.


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Serialization;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Workflow.Runtime;
using System.Workflow.Activities;
using System.Workflow.Activities.Rules;
using System.Net.Mail;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions;
using System.IO;
namespace SPDActivityDemo
    public partial class SendMailActivity : Activity
        public static DependencyProperty ToProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register(
                "To", typeof(ArrayList), typeof(SendMailActivity));

        public static DependencyProperty FromProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register(
                "From", typeof(string), typeof(SendMailActivity));

        public static DependencyProperty CCProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register(
                "CC", typeof(ArrayList), typeof(SendMailActivity));

        public static DependencyProperty SubjectProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register(
                "Subject", typeof(string), typeof(SendMailActivity));

        public static DependencyProperty BodyProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register(
                "Body", typeof(string), typeof(SendMailActivity));

        public static DependencyProperty __ContextProperty
            = DependencyProperty.Register(
                "__Context", typeof(WorkflowContext), typeof(SendMailActivity));

        public SendMailActivity()

        [Description("Enter any e-mail recipients, separated by semicolons")]
        public ArrayList To
            get { return ((ArrayList)(base.GetValue(ToProperty))); }
            set { base.SetValue(ToProperty, value); }

        [Description("Enter the e-mail sender")]
        public string From
            get { return ((string)(base.GetValue(FromProperty))); }
            set { base.SetValue(FromProperty, value); }

        [Description("Enter any carbon copy recipients, separated by semicolons")]
        public ArrayList CC
            get { return ((ArrayList)(base.GetValue(CCProperty))); }
            set { base.SetValue(CCProperty, value); }

        [Description("Enter the e-mail subject")]
        public string Subject
            get { return ((string)(base.GetValue(SubjectProperty))); }
            set { base.SetValue(SubjectProperty, value); }

        [Description("Enter the body text of the e-mail")]
        public string Body
            get { return ((string)(base.GetValue(BodyProperty))); }
            set { base.SetValue(BodyProperty, value); }

        public WorkflowContext __Context
            get { return ((WorkflowContext)(base.GetValue(__ContextProperty))); }
            set { base.SetValue(__ContextProperty, value); }

        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)


                //Send the email
                //grab the Activity for the Lookup Fields to be based on
                Activity myActivity = executionContext.Activity;
                while (myActivity.Parent != null)
                    myActivity = myActivity.Parent;
                //Send the email with attachments!!
            //Indicate the activity has closed
            return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;


        private void SendEmail(Activity parent)

        //Create a new object that will send the email

        System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();

        //Create the fromAddress variable and then determine the from email address
        //Create an object to specify the from address for the email
        System.Net.Mail.MailAddress fromAddress;
                //set the email address
                fromAddress = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(From);
        catch (System.Exception Ex)
                fromAddress = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("<a href=""></a>");
        //Set the from email address on the message object
        msg.From = fromAddress;

        //Determine who the email will be sent to, To and CC, and add those email addresses to the msg object created in STEP 1.
            //Add the email addresses stored in the To property to the email message object
            for (int i = 0; i < To.Count; i++)
        catch (System.Exception Ex)
            //errored out on the To list
            msg.To.Add("<a href=""></a>");
            //Add the email addresses stored in the CC property to the email message object
            if (CC != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < CC.Count; i++)
        catch (System.Exception Ex)
                //errored out on the CC list… odd
                msg.CC.Add("<a href=""></a>");

        // Create the subject line for this Email
        String mySubject = "";
                //To include fields in the subject line from the List, uncomment the lines below
                //mySubject += Subject;
                //mySubject += ” (” + Helper.LookupString(this.__Context, this.ListId, this.ListItem, “My Field 1″) + “)”;
                mySubject = Subject;
        catch (System.Exception Ex)
                mySubject = "ERR: Invalid Subject Line";
        msg.Subject = mySubject;

        //Generate the message body
        //start the handling of the message body.
        msg.IsBodyHtml = true;
        String myBody = Body;
        //make SharePoint replace the Lookup Strings in the field
                //process the Add Lookup strings [%...%] from the Workflow configuration
                myBody = Helper.ProcessStringField(myBody, parent, this.__Context);
        catch (System.Exception Ex)
                //create a writer and open the file
                TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("E:\\error.log");
                //write a line of text to the file
                tw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now +" – " + Ex.Message + Ex.StackTrace);
                //close the stream
        msg.Body = myBody;
        //Set SmtpServer to default SharePoint SMTP Server **Change to your smtp ip address
        String SMTPServerName = "smtp server ip address";

        //Create an object to represent the mail server and SEND the message
                System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(SMTPServerName);
                //Set the credentials used to authenticate to the email server
                client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                //Send the message
        catch (System.Exception Ex)
                //create a writer and open the file
                TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("E:\\error.log");
                //write a line of text to the file
                tw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now +" – " + Ex.Message + Ex.StackTrace + Ex.Data);
                //close the stream

.ACTIONS file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <Actions Sequential="then" Parallel="and">
    <Action Name="Send Email Extended"
      Assembly="SPDActivityDemo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d1763733beaa0777"
      Category="Extended Activities">
        Sentence="Send email from [%1] to [%2]">
        <FieldBind Field="From" DesignerType="TextArea" Text="this person" Id="1"/>
        <FieldBind Field="To,CC,Subject,Body" DesignerType="Email" Text="this person" Id="2"/>
        <Parameter Name="To" Type="System.Collections.ArrayList, mscorlib" Direction="In" Description="Recipients of the email." />
        <Parameter Name="CC" Type="System.Collections.ArrayList, mscorlib" Direction="Optional" Description="Carbon copy recipients of the email." />
        <Parameter Name="Subject" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" Description="Subject line of the email." />
        <Parameter Name="Body" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="Optional" Description="Body text of the email." />
        <Parameter Name="From" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" Description="Sender of the email." />
        <Parameter Name="__Context" Type="Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions.WorkflowContext, Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions" Direction="In"/>

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